APRIL 30, 2011 GENRE: COMIC BOOK SOURCE: DVD (SCREENER) Right around this time last year, the movie Black Waters Of Echo's Pond , an end...

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APRIL 30, 2011 GENRE: COMIC BOOK SOURCE: DVD (SCREENER) Right around this time last year, the movie Black Waters Of Echo's Pond , an end...
APRIL 29, 2011 GENRE: VAMPIRE SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) I was surprised how much I enjoyed Blacula , and thus I was looking forwar...
Not only one Fast & Furious . Apparently, there can be at least five Fast & Furious es. ( Fast & Furii? ) No, I'm talking ...
APRIL 28, 2011 GENRE: FRENCH , ZOMBIE SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) Someone on Twitter told me that Mutants was good but not a typical...
I am a big Hoodwinked supporter. I'd even go so far as to say I have a special place in my heart for it. My wife and I saw it together ...
APRIL 27, 2011 GENRE: SLASHER SOURCE: DVD (STORE RENTAL) I know I’ve said before that I’ve seen enough movies featuring a particular twist t...
Whether pure movie buzz or by poster art alone, this is what has us talking lately here at THC ... You had us at "naked in the water....
What feelings do these posters inspire in us, by the art and taglines alone? Fear and disdain, mostly. I'm all for the nice ass and the ...
APRIL 26, 2011 GENRE: CULT SOURCE: DVD (BUDGET PACK 5) There are always a couple movies in the horror budget packs that stretch the limits o...
I know I did not need to see Troll in order to see Troll 2 . The two most famous things about Troll 2 are 1) it doesn't have any tr...