NOVEMBER 30, 2009 GENRE: CANNIBAL SOURCE: DVD (STORE RENTAL) I have liked each Jack Ketchum film I’ve seen a bit more than the one before, s...

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NOVEMBER 30, 2009 GENRE: CANNIBAL SOURCE: DVD (STORE RENTAL) I have liked each Jack Ketchum film I’ve seen a bit more than the one before, s...
NOVEMBER 29, 2009 GENRE: INDEPENDENT , PSYCHOLOGICAL SOURCE: NETFLIX (INSTANT VIEW) I've largely sworn off watching these no-budget indi...
NOVEMBER 28, 2009 GENRE: GHOST SOURCE: DVD (OWN COLLECTION) After trying and again failing to be scared by The Haunting , I thought I’d try ...
NOVEMBER 27, 2009 GENRE: MAD SCIENTIST SOURCE: CABLE (ON DEMAND) You gotta love On Demand sometimes. While I hate that most of the free mov...
NOVEMBER 26, 2009 GENRE: HAMMER , VAMPIRE SOURCE: DVD (ONLINE RENTAL) Now THIS is a Dracula movie (thank you Samantha for recommending it)!...
NOVEMBER 25, 2009 GENRE: COMEDIC , MONSTER SOURCE: DVD (STORE RENTAL) We all have that friend who hates every movie he sees. Why we even sp...
NOVEMBER 24, 2009 GENRE: CLASSIC , HAUNTED HOUSE SOURCE: CABLE (TURNER CLASSIC) Routinely making appearances on any “all time scariest movie...
NOVEMBER 23, 2009 GENRE: ASIAN , CANNIBAL SOURCE: DVD (OWN COLLECTION) While it’s not too uncommon to see short films expanded into features...
NOVEMBER 22, 2009 GENRE: PSYCHOLOGICAL SOURCE: BLU-RAY (ONLINE RENTAL) Horror or not, I really should watch more of Roman Polanski’s films. ...
NOVEMBER 22, 2009 GENRE: ANIMATED , ASIAN , VAMPIRE SOURCE: BLU-RAY (OWN COLLECTION) Had I known Blood: The Last Vampire was not a feature ...
NOVEMBER 21, 2009 GENRE: ANTHOLOGY , ASIAN SOURCE: DVD (OWN COLLECTION) I cannot recall when I purchased Three... Extremes (aka Sam Gang Yi...
NOVEMBER 20, 2009 GENRE: TEEN , VAMPIRE , WEREWOLF SOURCE: THEATRICAL (REGULAR SCREENING) Has it really been a year since I saw Twilight an...