Let's start off by saying that yes, I Am Number Four is based on a young adult book series (even though only one book has been written thus far.) We were waiting for it to be like Twilight, only with superheroes or aliens, because let's face it, it had that teen-angsty thing going for it in the trailer.
Scrolling through the movie's IMDB page to get a feel for what we might be in for, I found a mixed bunch of praise and hate. I read a lot of "reviews" in which people bagged on how cliche it was, or how it was like Twilight or 90 other sci-fi/teen angst movies, or how bland/boring/stupid/soulless it was, and I knew despair.
Then I watched it anyway.
And I liked it. A lot.
Now, liking something does not necessarily speak to quality. Preference and quality can often times be mutually exclusive. I Am Number Four has its shortcomings and certainly could have been better, but it was entertaining and fun, and isn't that what an action movie is supposed to be?
I guess I just don't get exactly what it is that Sci-fi geeks expect from a movie about a kid with telekinetic powers that can shoot light out of his hands.
What is there to like about this movie? I'll break it down for you in the simplest terms, and the most convenient definitions:

B+ It's a fun flick, bottom line. It's definitely geared more towards the teen audience, but that doesn't mean it's anything like Twilight or that Justin Beaver movie that kids are going on about these days. The story doesn't break any new ground, but it's got hot chicks, aliens, awesome action, and Timothy Olyphant. What in the hell more do you need?

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