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Friday 6 January 2012

Info Post
Yes, I know this is an Asylum picture, and that instantly means it's going to suck, but they've really sunk to a new low here. Had this movie not snuck onto DVD a few days before the end of 2011, it would have been a contender for worst of the year.

This movie is exactly why the found footage genre sucks most of the time; it makes little logical sense, there's no real payoff until the end, and it treats the audience like they're stupid. No one in this situation would act like these characters did, and even if they would, why in the hell would anyone watching have any sympathy for them?

No, these morons deserved to die, and it's just a shame that it took nearly 90 minutes for them to do so.

"Don't interrupt me until the threesome starts, soldiers!"

Here are my thoughts in bullet-point form, as they happened:
-Four kids break in to the fabled house, taunt spirits, die.
-Family shown house by realtor, realtor dies. They take the house.
-While moving in, one of the movers dies.
*At this point, I was already hoping the moronic family would die*

Why did the hottest part of the movie have to die so soon?

-Annoying kid with camera recording everything, his hot sister always on cell.
-Camera blacks out, flashes on/off, obviously to signify ghostly presence.
-Camera kid needs ass whipping.
-The "too cute" youngest daughter is a little bit annoying and fake, just like pretty much every character in this movie. And she's got an imaginary friend oh boy.
-The overbearing Military Dad, the vaguely dissatisfied Mom, the snotty awful teenage Daughter, and the annoying gay-haired Son... some of the worst and most cliche characters ever.
*At this point I wonder, when is the horror going to start?*

Seriously, why?!?

-Of course they're installing a security system with bunches of cameras.
-God I hope everyone in this family dies.
-Random iPod with video appears.
-Oh look, flies all over window.
-This is a movie about a family that likes to do nothing but argue, not a horror movie.
-"My man Cut!" shows up to install multiple cameras for his military buddy, and is killed by a rogue electrical line. Still, no one leaves the house.
-Dad cries over his man cut... real, manly tears. Mom sleeps real late till noon.
-Dad punches the air and screams "stay away from my daughter!"
*Seriously, nothing even remotely horrific has happened at this point.
-Family meeting, lights go out; "Don't worry it's just a breaker, I'll go check. Sergeant on my 6!" LOL
-Dad is practicing Feng Shui with crosses and furniture.
*The end of the movie is almost here and nothing has happened at all.*

The interpretive dance scene.

-I'm taken aback; there's another ghost figure just standing there... this time it's a little boy. Ooh.
-Dad is having in Afghanistan flashback, hoping his kills everyone then himself.
-Now he's saluting the bookshelf.
-Best part of the movie: "What the fuck?"That was awesome and says it all.
-First family death is pretty cool. Dad's fate was neat too.
-There are no words to explain exactly how awful and ridiculously sad this movie is.

You wanna bilk people for their money, fine. Can you at least give them something, anything, for their troubles when you do? It's almost like the people who made this movie were making fun of anyone dumb enough to pay to watch it.

There's zero suspense, no scares, horrible acting, an abysmal script, and the ever annoying un-steady cam that is constantly present in these POV flicks... We'd sooner roll a live grenade into a kindergarten class than endure this crap again, and we love kids.


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