Okay, so many of you may have ignored this post. I can't blame you. It's my fault. I abstractly promoted something that was more than a month away from beginning, with no follow-up when the series actually began. (Shame, shame on me.)
But you're not too late!
The seventh transmission of The Apocalypse Diaries (www.theapocalypsediaries.com) will go live at 5 p.m. PST this afternoon. That gives you the rest of the day to catch up on the chilling details you've already missed. (Hint, they include these two fellows in blue hazmat suits -- one of whom is me. I'm the one with the right arm. I guess that would make me Hazmat Guy #2. I tell you, I really go to great lengths to remain anonymous on this blog.)
The web series is the brainchild of my wife. It has to do with a mysterious disturbing incident in Los Angeles, and the woman who's trying to survive it with just her web cam and her dwindling supply of drinking water. I hope I don't need to tell you any more. Each episode is less than three minutes, and only the first is longer than two minutes. Get watching!
Both my wife and I would love to hear some feedback -- her, on the brilliance of her writing and direction, and me, on the brilliance of my technique in dragging a screaming woman with a bag over her head.
Seriously, it's well done, and since my only contribution is dragging a screaming woman with a bag over her head, I can say that without it being a case of patting myself on the back.
Thanks everyone. Start with transmission #1 and work your way up. And if you're so inclined, like AD on Facebook and follow it on Twitter. If you're a blogger, you know how exciting it is to have a new follower. This is like that.
Look for more in the weeks to follow, debuting every Wednesday at 5 p.m. PST.
And be prepared to get the willies.
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