MAY 31, 2011 GENRE: MUTANT SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) I wasn’t expecting much from The Incredible Melting Man , due to the fact tha...

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MAY 31, 2011 GENRE: MUTANT SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) I wasn’t expecting much from The Incredible Melting Man , due to the fact tha...
Since they're both horror comedies, and both make use of an ampersand in their titles, we thought we'd throw them together as a twof...
MAY 30, 2011 GENRE: SUPERNATURAL , TEEN SOURCE: CABLE (SHOWTIME) I don’t know how many of you follow my weekly articles over at BadAssDigest...
MAY 29, 2011 GENRE: SURVIVAL SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) I think I finally figured out why I have so much trouble telling the legiti...
Way #42 to botch an illegal theatrical double feature: The second movie is sold out. Actually, "botch" is not the right word for ...
MAY 28, 2011 GENRE: REVENGE , SUPERNATURAL SOURCE: DVD (OWN COLLECTION) I've seen so many movies with awful scripts that I'm almost ...
MAY 27, 2011 GENRE: COMEDIC , HERO KILLER SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) Today would have been Vincent Price's 100th birthday, so r...
MAY 26, 2011 GENRE: VAMPIRE SOURCE: STREAMING (NETFLIX INSTANT) You know how we sometimes have two movies coming out that have pretty simila...
If you're like me, you know your calendar by release dates. If someone asks me what day of the week, say, March 23rd is, I'll be abl...
MAY 25, 2011 GENRE: CULT , SUPERNATURAL SOURCE: BLU-RAY (OWN COLLECTION) After the previous better-than-expected entry , the series hits roc...
MAY 24, 2011 GENRE: SERIAL KILLER , SLASHER SOURCE: DVD (OWN COLLECTION) The great thing about slasher films is that the script can be overc...
I've been having a staring contest with Jennifer Lawrence since last Friday. That's when this issue of Entertainment Weekly arrived...