Were really trying to keep it to a single kid per entry, but this gang is just too creepy to not include.
The Children is the story of 2 Brit families that go to the country together for a Holiday. Early on, one of the kids sees some slime on the ground, touches it, gets sick, and it's not long before every kid in the house is looking all gaunt and hollow, and acting homicidal.

These kids truly do go above and beyond their creepy duties, as they just about kill every adult around them, and in pretty horrific fashion. One of them seems to be having a hard time wanting to kill her parents, but you just know she'll come around eventually.

This movie makes a murderous country home seems like a McDonalds play land for these kids, and it scares me to think what will happen if they ever decide to venture back into the city. Sequel please.

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