Sure, they may only be computer programs, but that doesn't take away their creep factor. The Red Queen was a computer program created to monitor Umbrella's Hive, and keep it all on lock down. The White Queen was created, essentially, to stop the Red Queen once she went a little bit berserk.
The physical representation of the Red/White AI were little girls. They were also based on the programmers daughter, Angela. The point is, they are deadly AI programs that are visualized as little girls, and that is unsettling. Especially when one of them kills off a Stars team like it's not a big deal at all.

One was kinda good, and the other was a little malicious, but good or bad, they were both creepy. Even the little girl that the programs were "based off of" has a murderously mischievous look about her. All three of them added an element to the movies they were in; an unsettling, and ethereal unease.

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